August 1, 2011


  1. Sounds like a fun vacation. I see the QWERTZ keyboard gotcha again. :D

  2. Eating lots of cherries automatically equals a great time for me; sadly they're out of season here. Too soon, I just got started :(

    @Ted: If you do end up getting the Swissa, that will be you mixing up your y's and z's in a few weeks' time!

  3. I love vactions that involve new bookstores! Luckily I married a woman who is even more fanatical about just that!

  4. Ted, yeah, when I start a post, I'm actively thinking about the ZY interposition, but once I get flowing in thought, it catches me. Now, if I kept writing, for say, 2-3 pages, I would make the mistake enough times that I won't do it...
