September 4, 2012


  1. A couple of those shots are blurry, which I am not proud of, but I really wanted to get that platen put back in my SG1 and use it! My phone on my camera had to do!

    And yes, that is my address on the box, so if you feel like writing me a letter, I can certainly write you with a new platen:)

  2. Neat. I still don't know when Bill's gonna send off my platen to JJ Short, but I'm hoping it's soon! I'll be interested to feel the difference between an Ames platen (I have 3) and the JJ Short one.

    Heh, now you're stuck with that SG1 forever - you'll never want to let it go now! :D

  3. Great! The typing certainly looks nice. I'm so glad the Short folks have gotten into this business.

  4. Great! I have been waiting to hear how JJ does with the platens I have to get some of mine to him. Thanks for the post.

  5. good to hear that jj short is legit.
    nice looking platen deek!

  6. As a temporary solution for bad platens I use a thick sheet behind the one I want to type on, and it works good. No holes in the paper.
    Olympia's platens appear to be very bad in terms of durability: my SM2 has a hard-as-rock platen.
    Anyway, it's nice to hear that there still is someone around the world that does this kind of repair.

  7. Thanks all!

    Ted, I think I was "stuck" with the SG1 forever before the platen recover:) I so do love that typewriter!

    Richard, yeah, I was comparing the typing to older typecasts (from my desk drawer) using this and there is definitely a crisper and uniform impression being made with a new platen.

    Davide, yeah, I normally use thick backing sheets with my typewriters. The SG1 was the only one that really punched holes through the page, even with a couple backing sheets. I've got other platens that don't do that and even one or two that don't even need a backing sheet.

  8. Congrats on the recovery. I am sure my SG1 could use one as well, and I cannot wait for the day that JJ hits the market completely. I have quite a few platens I hope to have recovered.
    Thanks so much for the update and pictures!

  9. This is GREAT news.

    Very reassuring.

    Gives me hope. Someday....

  10. My SG-1 Needs a new platen, too. It's nice to see that you had a good experience. I might be tempted to send it off next time I have a little free cash.

  11. I love the smell of new rubber in the morning. Actually, that sounds a little strange. Correction: I love the sound of type bars hitting fresh rubber in the morning... Sounds like... Olympia.

  12. I know its an old post. But, in researching how to remove the SG-1 platten, it sure looks like you know how. Can you comment on how to accomplish this? Thanks!

  13. Sure thing, Jud (and thanks for stopping by).

    First off, center your carriage so you have equal access to both platen knobs. There are a couple screws on each side, between the platen knob and the carriage. Remove them.

    Next, grab a hold of each platen knob and twist them simultaneously in opposite directions (can't remember if it is clockwise or counter, but it shouldn't be hard to determine).

    Once you loosen them, they just unscrew right out and you are left with a knob-less platen. Move the carriage all the way to the right (so the little ribbon vibrator guide is on the far left part of the platen) and lift the right-side of the platen out first to pull the whole thing out.

    Mine was screwed on a bit tight, so I put some towels on each platen knob and used a vice grip to torque it loose so I could unscrew it by hand.

    It really is much easier than I thought it would be, so hopefully you will find the same results.
